Writer: Abdelhadi El-Halhouli

This paper seeks to analyze the social protection system in Morocco as a whole, with a focus on its main pillar related to the policy of extending compulsory health coverage to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Our focus on these groups is intended to highlight their representation and social and cultural attitudes toward the universal health coverage (UHC) programs that aim to guarantee the right to treatment and prevent health risks for more than 22 million additional beneficiaries of compulsory sickness insurance. On 23 March 2021, the king of Morocco issued Royal Dahir No. 1.21.30 to implement Framework Law No. 09.21 on Social Protection, which is based on the provisions of Article 31 of the Moroccan Constitution providing for the right to social protection and health coverage; these goals are also evident in international legislation on the same subject and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically the third goal related to health and well-being) to which Morocco is committed.
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