The Arab Region Hub for Social Protection is convened by the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI)’s Social Protection Program (SPP). The Hub functions as a non-hierarchical and non-institutionalized network of individuals and organizations. It is a space for convening, exchange, and partnerships. It aims at bringing together the community of practice and knowledge working on or interested in social protection policy in the region. By focusing on convening this regional community, as well as coordinating priorities and messaging, collective actions and campaigns, and fostering cooperation, partnerships, and strategic policy-oriented knowledge production, the Hub embodies ARI’s methodological approach and is a key component of SPP’s strategy. In supporting networking, partnerships, and cooperation within the ecosystem of social protection actors, the Hub ultimately seeks to cultivate a critical mass capable of collaboratively advocating for universal social protection systems in the region, guided by the principles outlined in the Hub’s declaration and building on the wealth of knowledge and policy expertise produced across the region.
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