The objective of this study is to inform childcare policies andprograms to improve labor market outcomes for women inJordan. Using a mixed methods approach, it assesses thecurrent supply and demand of formal childcare services andtheir potential impact on female labor force participation. Theassessment consists of four main elements: (1) a nationalspatial analysis comparing the population of children withthe supply of licensed childcare facilities in Jordan; (2) asurvey of childcare service providers in selected low- andmiddle-income districts to characterize the supply; (3) ademand-side assessment based on a survey of motherswith children under the age of five, supported by focus groupdiscussions with mothers and fathers; and (4) an employersurvey of private sector companies mandated by law toprovide childcare support for workers, supported by keyinformant interviews to provide a better understanding ofthe different types and characteristics of childcare supportprovided by employers.
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