The International Labour Organization (ILO) works in close partnership with the Government of Jordan (GoJ), ILO social partners, Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI), Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC) and General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions (GFJTU), the Jordanian National Committee for Women (JNCW) and civil society organisations (CSOs). The goal is to address gender and decent work challenges, particularly among women and youth, in line with international labour standards as well as the National Strategy for Women in Jordan (2020-2025).

A specialised agency of the United Nations, the ILO provides technical and programmatic assistance in Jordan, backing efforts by tripartite (government, employers, and workers) and civil society partners to combat gender discrimination. This assistance is part of the Jordan Decent Work Country Programme (2018-2022), which aims to promote decent work, social justice, and equity. Crucial issues, such as ensuring a work environment free from violence and harassment, gender equality, pay equity, and maternity and paternity protection, are top priorities.

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