Scroll down to check the Glossary of Terms, which is located on this this page following three key figures:
- The Taxonomy of Social Protection – an illustration categorizing different components of social protection.
- The Social Protection Venn Diagram – illustrating the intersection of Social Policy (e.g., health, education, social welfare) and Economic Policy (e.g., trade, labor, fiscal) within the broader framework of Social and Economic Justice.
- A Graph on the Composition of a Universal Social Security System – depicting the relationship between individual/household income and the level of social protection.
Please refer to the glossary after these visuals for definitions and explanations of key terms, in both English and Arabic.

Glossary of Terms
This glossary provides definitions for key terms commonly used in the social protection literature, which is essential for understanding the core aspects of social protection policies and programs.
It builds on a wealth of existing glossaries, particularly those developed by UNESCWA,, and the ILO. However, this glossary distinguishes itself by incorporating perspectives from civil society organizations (CSOs) and experts working in the region, ensuring that the definitions reflect both technical and political dimensions of social protection, as well as CSOs’ consensual discourse in this regard. It is a CSO-made and CSO-led glossary.
Social protection, as defined in this glossary, is not merely a technical concept. The definitions recognize its inherently political nature, aiming to bridge the policy-politics divide by connecting technical frameworks with broader social justice and human rights principles. This approach is grounded in the Declaration on Building Universal Social Protection in the Arab Region, which provides a rights-based foundation for defining key terms, taking into consideration the region’s specificity. As such, the glossary serves as a reference for common understandings and terminology used by CSOs advocating for and working towards universal social protection systems in the region.
Being available in both Arabic and English makes the glossary accessible to a non-English, Arabic-speaking audience while remaining universal. The Arabic version better reflects Arab contexts by addressing the misconceptions that arise from differences in Arabic dialects and social protection-related “jargons” across and within Arab countries.
This glossary is comprehensive but not exhaustive, and is intended as a living document that is continuously updated and expanded over time. As a CSO-led initiative, we welcome feedback, suggestions, and contributions – whether regarding content, structure, or additional terminologies, ensuring the glossary remains a relevant, evolving, and useful resource for all. Feedback can be sent to or the Hub’s Listserv (if you are part of it). It can also be expressed through this form.
Social Protection | الحماية الاجتماعية
Social Security | الضمان الاجتماعي
Social Protection Floor | أرضية الحماية الاجتماعية
Social Insurance | التأمين الاجتماعي
Social Assistance | المساعدة/ات الاجتماعية
Contributory / Non-Contributory | قائم / غير قائم على المساهمات
Social Care | الرعاية الاجتماعية
Poverty Alleviation Programs / Policies | برامج / سياسات التخفيف من حدّة الفقر
As the name suggests, poverty alleviation programs and policies aim at “alleviating” poverty among households and individuals in need, instead of “eradicating” poverty or “preventing” households and individuals from falling into poverty. The poverty alleviation approach encompasses targeted social assistance – also known as social safety nets; humanitarian assistance – whether targeted or not; and labor market programs, which can be either active or non-active/ passive. These programs and policies are typically non-contributory and rather heavily reliant on foreign aid provided by international donors (including donor governments) or international financial institutions (IFIs), whether in the form of grants or loans, knowing that the latter form is the most common one. Yet, poverty alleviation interventions are often implemented in close collaboration with the State. They are also temporary, whether they have a short, medium, or long-term timeframe.
كما يشير اسمها، تهدف برامج وسياسات التخفيف من حدّة الفقر إلى التخفيف من مستوى الفقر الذي تعاني منه الأسر والأفراد المحتاجة، بدلاً من القضاء على الفقر أو تجنيب الأسر والأفراد الوقوع فيه. ويتضمن هذا النهج تقديم المساعدات الاجتماعية المستهدفة – المعروفة أيضًا بشبكات الأمان الاجتماعي، والمساعدات الإنسانية سواء كانت مستهدفة أم غير مستهدفة، بالإضافة إلى برامج سوق العمل والتي قد تكون نشطة أو غير نشطة. عادةً ما تكون هذه البرامج والسياسات غير قائمة على المساهمات، وتعتمد بشكل كبير على المساعدات الخارجية المقدَّمة من الجهات المانحة الدولية، بما في ذلك حكومات الدول المانحة أو المؤسسات المالية الدولية، وتأتي سواء على شكل منح أو قروض، إلا أنّ القروض تُعدّ الشكل الأكثر شيوعًا. ومع ذلك، غالبًا ما تُنفَّذ تدخلات التخفيف من حدّة الفقر بالتعاون الوثيق مع الدولة، وهي أيضًا تدابير مؤقتة، بغض النظر عمّا إذا كان نطاقها الزمني قصير، متوسط، أو طويل الأمد.