We strive to influence policymakers to enact social protection laws, systems and mechanisms to ensure States fulfils their obligation to the people by protecting them against shocks and crises. In order to encourage and inspire action, in order to convince and cajole authorities, we need and use data. To that end, we collaborate to design and implement research initiatives and to produce awareness raising reports and creative outputs.
There are many like us who believe in the need for effective, just and inclusive social protection mechanisms and who dedicate their time and resources towards ensuring they become a reality.
This Social Protection Knowledge Directory, still in its infancy but growing by the day, aims to catalogue such sources of information – including academic articles, policy papers, and media reports – in the interest of collaborative growth.
You can review the content of the directory by: TOPIC, SOURCE, FORMAT, or GEOGRAPHY or using the ADVANCED SEARCH FORM.
Producing a catalogue and keeping it up to date is time consuming, so we welcome all the support we can get, be it a quick note with a link to a report we may not be aware of, or your time as an intern supporting the growth of the directory.