“Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security” Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 22
Cascading crises – from the pandemic to conflict and the climate breakdown – are exposing social tensions and deepening fractures arising from an economic approach that has emphasized growth with little regard to human rights, the equitable distribution of resources, or the environment. The erosion of public services, social security/protection and labor rights, have increased inequality and enabled an elite few to capture the vast majority of global resources, posing one of the most pressing threats to human rights of our time. Correcting course demands transforming economies, social policies, development paradigms, and the international financial architecture to enable states to fulfill their human rights obligations. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, which play a key role in responding to these crises, have a critical opportunity to contribute to transformative change, yet they are continuing the same failed policies and practices.
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