A pension system is at the heart of social protection. By ensuring income security for older persons and other vulnerable groups, it prevents poverty, reduces inequality, and facilitates consumption smoothing. A pension system also affects the working population’s labor market choices and has important fiscal implications. Iraq’s current pension system is highly fragmented, inequitable, and inefficient. First, it fails to provide adequate income protection to most of Iraq’s old‑age population and other vulnerable groups, such as survivors and persons with disabilities. Second, the public sector pension is already putting substantial pressure on the budget and is potentially unsustainable given the projected acceleration of the total pension bill due to recent policy changes. Third, it sets an uneven playing field between the public and private sectors, contributing to the continued expansion of an already‑outsized civil service and holding back much‑needed economic diversification and private sector growth. Thus, a comprehensive pension reform is urgently needed and would align with commitments made by the Government of Iraq through the ratification of ILO Convention No. 102.
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