Social Protection has been defined by different organisations in different, though complementary, ways.

The International Labour Organization, a UN agency, presents an insightful and engaging overview of social protection, complete with personal stories that highlight the need for equitable and sustainable policies on their website, with the following definition:

Social protection is a human right. It ensures access to healthcare and income security for all. It provides for you and your family when you’re sick, unemployed, injured, pregnant or too old to work. It provides support for your family in case something happens to you.

Social protection gives you peace of mind and hope for a better future.

International Labour Organization

The Hub elaborates on this definition and its mandate in the pursuit of social protection for all in this declaration, noting:

We consider social protection to be the primary responsibility of the State, and a manifestation of the social contracts that tie citizens and residents to their States. We reject the humanitarian assistance approach to social protection whereby it is primarily considered to be an aid mechanism or a service, meaning it is not predictable for the population.

excerpt from principal 4 of the Hub’s declaration


We envision universal social protection systems and social protection floors which offer basic social security guarantees to all residents and not only citizens regardless of whether they can contribute or not.


excerpt from principal 5 of the Hub’s declaration

For a comprehensive definition of social protection and to ensure that interested practitioners, activists and researchers have access to all relevant essential materials on Social Protection, this page provides three important resources that are continuously updated and maintained:

  • A CSO-led and CSO version of a Glossary of Social Protection Terms, in both Arabic and English. In addition of a wealth of defined terms, the Glossary also features the Taxonomy of Social Protection, the Social Protection Venn Diagram and a Graph on the Composition of a Universal Social Security System.
  • A comprehensive collection of key Foundational Documents on Social Protection, in both Arabic and English
  • A compilation of the main Resource Portals on Social Protection, in both Arabic and English