Jordan’s agriculture sector provides a critical source of income, particularly for the poorest segments of society. Yet, the sector suffers from a number of decent work deficits, including instances of child labour, a lack of wage protection, an absence of social security coverage, poor occupational safety and health measures, and lack of adequate accommodation. With the support of the Government of the Netherlands and together with partners, the ILO is implementing a project which seeks to advance decent work and the status of agriculture workers – Jordanian, refugee and migrant workers – through a compliance model that strengthens productivity, national labour legislation and adheres to international labour standards. This includes improving the living conditions of farm workers through the provision of caravans; helping workers develop their skills and enhance their employability through on-the-job training and formal certification; providing workers with Occupational Safety and Health training and equipment; and supporting workers to access work injury insurance, as well as work permits. Credit : Abdel Hameed Al Nasier​/ILO Date : 2019/11 Country : Jordan

The country briefs map the key legal provisions dealing with migrant workers in eight Arab countries, summarizing the legal rules about who pays for recruitment, whether passport confiscation is prohibited by law, minimum working conditions including wages, working hours and rest periods, how to lodge grievances, and brief details of each country’s sponsorship regime.

To read the guide: click here

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