“Church of Sweden Mission “ was established in 1874 as part of the Church of Sweden. After the World War II, Europe was in desperate need. Consequently, 1947 “Lutherhjälpen” was founded. Both operations became in 2008 the “Church of Sweden International work, which in 2019 changed its name to “Act church of Sweden”. Today, Act church of Sweden works along with more than 300 partners globally and is fully integrated in the Church of Sweden. Visit Act Church of Sweden

Action Contre la Faim is a non-governmental organization that has been fighting hunger in the world for nearly 40 years. https://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/

Alternative Policy Solutions is a non-partisan, public policy research project at the American University in Cairo. Our multidisciplinary teams use state of the art knowledge to develop alternative policy solutions in the fields of socio-economic development, resource management and institutional reform. https://aps.aucegypt.edu/en

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who take injustice personally. We fight for a world where everyone enjoys human rights. https://www.amnesty.org/en/

An independent Arab research center that acts as a platform for the interaction of experts and researchers for the purpose of knowledge production and the creation of an alternative discourse in the region. Through Contributing in the creation of alternative spaces and discourses and proposing alternative policies for different players in the public sphere across the Arab region. https://www.afalebanon.org/en/

ANND is an independent, democratic and civil network, established in 1997, aimed at strengthening and empowering civil society and promoting the values of democracy, respect for human rights and sustainable development in Arab countries. Which is all consistent with the International Bill of Human Rights and the freedom and dignity of the individual, respect for pluralism, equitable distribution of wealth, preservation of the cultural heritage of the region, and to achieve the development priorities of local communities. https://annd.org/en

The Hub custodian, Arab Reform Initiative is an independent Arab think tank working with expert partners in the Middle East and North Africa and beyond to articulate a home-grown agenda for democratic change. It conducts research and policy analysis and provides a platform for inspirational voices based on the principles of diversity, impartiality, gender equality and social justice.

The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) was founded in 2008 in Amman, Jordan, to contribute to forming a new renaissance project in the Arab world, grounded in the fundamental issues concerning Arab affairs, within their local, regional, and international contexts, prioritizing independence and authenticity and steering clear of colonial influences. https://ardd-jo.org

Arab Watch Coalition We are a regional coalition of Civil Society from MENA, whose watching the operations of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the region to make sure that the development processes are inclusive, participatory, just, and sustainable for all. We engage with civil society, local communities, and right-holders to ensure their interests are reflected in the national development. https://arabwatchcoalition.org/

The Beirut Urban Lab is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research space. The Lab produces scholarship on urbanization by documenting and analyzing ongoing transformation processes in Lebanon and its region's natural and built environments. It intervenes as an interlocutor and contributor to academic debates about historical and contemporary urbanization from its position in the Global South. We work towards materializing our vision of an ecosystem of change empowered by critical inquiry and engaged research, and driven by committed urban citizens and collectives aspiring to just, inclusive, and viable cities. https://beiruturbanlab.com/en/Home

Through its three specialized practices, Beyond Group collaborates with its circle of partners to design, enable, and implement solutions for meaningful change. To create responsive governments and inclusive communities, the initiatives and practices they lead must be guided by innovative and evidence-based policy solutions. Achieving such transformations calls for the development of the organizational capacities of public institutions, development partners, and civil society actors. While utilizing new technologies can ensure the proposed solutions are scalable and sustainable. relying on participatory, inclusive and experiential approaches and methodologies helps ensure ownership, accountability and knowledge transfer among those involved. https://beyondgroupconsulting.com

The Bretton Woods Project is a civil society watchdog of the IMF and World Bank. We advocate for a multilateral system that is democratic, inclusive, transparent, accountable, and responsive to people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. https://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/

CIHRS is an independent regional human rights organization a aiming to spread and deeply root the culture of human rights in Arab societies, and promote respect for fundamental freedoms, democratic values, and human rights principles in the Arab region. CIHRS lends a credible and trusted voice to the human rights movement in the Arab region, strengthening its capacity during decades of political turmoil, economic hardship and protracted conflicts. https://cihrs.org/?lang=en

The CALP Network believes in collective action and transforming the humanitarian system. Together we seek to maximize the potential that humanitarian cash and voucher assistance can bring to people in contexts of crisis. https://www.calpnetwork.org

Particularly interested in the policy applications of innovative theory and research, and the role of such countries as Canada toward the promotion of international development and a more equitable world order. Areas of interest include: aid and trade, regional disparities and agrarian reform, development administration, educational planning and human resource development, industrialization and transfer of technology, environmental issues, human rights and democratization issues, rural development, urbanization, and women in development. https://www.cjds.ca

The Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) is an independent academic institution established in 1984 to undertake impartial and balanced research and contribute to Lebanon’s development. CLS is affiliated with the Middle East Centre at St. Antony’s College, and the History Department at the University of Cambridge and works rigorously in conducting research and organizing conferences that address key issues in Lebanon. In 2012, CLS opened an office in Lebanon. CLS has a presence in Beirut and Cambridge, and while it undertakes research in various countries around the world, it focuses on Lebanon, Jordan and the UK. https://lebanesestudies.com

The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action, first founded in Lebanon in 2006 under the name of Lebanon Support, is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge. https://socialsciences-centre.org

Century International produces original research that focuses on the human impact of global policy. We are critical, independent, and committed to investigating problems beyond the latest news cycle. Century International cultivates a unique network of policy researchers with deep ties to the societies they study. We draw together scholars, activists, and other experts to produce original ethnographic reporting that shapes policy decisions. We fill the gap between the traditional work of government analysts, policy researchers, and journalists. We believe that constant testing of received wisdom leads to better policy analysis and prescriptions. https://tcf.org

Chatham House is an international affairs think tank that aims to help governments and societies build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world.

Daraj is an independent digital media platform created by experienced journalists, which aims to offer Arabic language readers an alternative kind of journalism, free from the political funding and influence that controls other mainstream Arab media institutions.

Development Initiatives (DI) is a global organisation harnessing the power of data and evidence to end poverty, reduce inequality and increase resilience. https://devinit.org

Developmentpathways leading global consultancy specialising in designing and developing social protection systems – one fundamental way that governments can guard people from poverty and vulnerability. Our team has delivered over 150 projects for governments, the UN and many other clients from Brazil to Vietnam since 2010. A British-Kenyan company, we began when Stephen Kidd and Richard Chirchir put their heads together with a group of like-minded development professionals to change the way countries address poverty, inequality and other key development challenges. Since then, our offices in London and Nairobi have grown considerably and we have recently expanded our work around the globe with our new office in Australia. https://www.developmentpathways.co.uk

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights has been working since 2002 to strengthen and protect basic rights and freedoms in Egypt, through research, advocacy and supporting litigation in the fields of civil liberties, economic and social rights, and criminal justice.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With 195 members - 194 countries and the European Union, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. https://www.fao.org/home/en/

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition dating back to its foundation in 1925. Today, it remains loyal to the legacy of its namesake and campaigns for the core ideas and values of social democracy: freedom, justice and solidarity. It has a close connection to social democracy and free trade unions. https://mena.fes.de/

The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors promotes the right of all people residing in a country to social security, regardless of documentation. We promote social protection floors as key instruments to achieve the overarching social goal of the global development agenda. Social protection is one of the foundations for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. It can simultaneously address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability and preservation of livelihoods. https://www.socialprotectionfloorscoalition.org/

Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. We are roughly 550 plus people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need. We direct our advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. To ensure our independence, we refuse government funding and carefully review all donations to ensure that they are consistent with our policies, mission, and values. We partner with organizations large and small across the globe to protect embattled activists and to help hold abusers to account and bring justice to victims. https://www.hrw.org

The IDS Bulletin is an open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on international development. In continual publication since 1968, it has a well-established reputation for intellectually rigorous articles developed through learning partnerships on emerging and evolving development challenges presented in an accessible manner in themed issues that bridge academic, practice and policy discourse. https://bulletin.ids.ac.uk/index.php/idsbo

The Initiative for Policy Dialogue works to broaden dialogue and explore trade-offs in development policy by bringing the best ideas in development to policymakers facing globalization’s complex challenges and opportunities. We strive to contribute to a more equitably governed world by democratizing the production and use of knowledge. https://policydialogue.org/

Inkyfada is an independent, nonprofit media group founded in 2014 by a team of journalists, developers, and graphic designers with the goal of supporting the public interest through innovative journalistic content.

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is a research and learning organisation affiliated with the University of Sussex. It delivers research and teaching in the area of development studies.

The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 Member States , to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. Origins and history.

The IMF works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic wellbeing.

IZA is a nonprofit research institute and research network. The unique combination of in-house research capacity and global network activities enables us to draw on cutting-edge expertise in conducting research projects on core issues of inequality, labor economics, behavioral economics, and providing evidence-based policy advice. We provide platforms for knowledge exchange and make relevant research findings accessible for policy practitioners and the general public. https://www.iza.org

The Legal Agenda (LA) is a Beirut-based nonprofit research and advocacy organization with offices in Lebanon and Tunisia and correspondents in several other Arab countries. It was established in December 2009 by a group of legal professionals, scholars, and human rights activists who institutionalized their efforts to build a critical and multidisciplinary approach to law and justice in Arab countries with a special focus on political, civil, social, and economic rights. https://english.legal-agenda.com/

Mada Masr is an Egypt-based media organization interested in producing intelligent and engaging journalism, and more generally in re-examining the role of media in relation to its public.

Opinio Juris was the world’s first blog dedicated to the informed discussion of international law by and among academics, practitioners and legal experts. The blog was founded in 2005 by three legal scholars: Chris Borgen (St. John’s University); Peggy McGuinness (St. John’s University); and Julian Ku (Hofstra). Kevin Jon Heller (University of Copenhagen/ANU) joined the following year. The contributors aim to describe and analyse international law where it is most controversial and ambiguous. http://opiniojuris.org

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts. https://www.oxfam.org/en

The Phenix Center for Economics & Informatics Studies is a non-governmental organization founded in Jordan in 2003. It is dedicated to independent policy research and the measurement of public opinion on current and emerging economic and societal issues and legislation.

For 25 years, ScienceDirect has worked with researchers and librarians to inspire and promote interdisciplinary research, scholarship and discovery. From the early days of digitizing peer-reviewed literature to our current content syndication partnerships, product integrations and a host of tools that make search and discovery fast and easy, we are honored to serve and be a partner with these research and scholarly communities. https://www.sciencedirect.com

Sharq.Org is a transnational non-profit organisation focused on the documentation and dissemination of diverse and inclusive stories from across the Arabic speaking region, in a bid to support the development of peace and pluralism in the long-suffering region.

Siren Associates works on public and social sectors reform. Since 2008, Siren has been engaged in research, organizational development, digital transformation and data analysis in various sectors including security, access to justice and human rights, governance, health, social protection, education, and media. https://sirenassociates.com

socialprotection.org is an online member-based knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, open to social protection practitioners, policy-makers, and experts, as well as academics and students. The platform was set up to respond to a recommendation from the G20 Development Working Group in the aftermath of the triple crisis of the late 2000’s to foster global knowledge sharing on social protection policies. https://socialprotection.org

The Economic Research Forum (ERF) is a regional network dedicated to promoting high quality economic research to contribute to sustainable development in the Arab countries, Iran and Turkey. ERF operates from two offices in the region, in Cairo, Egypt and in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ERF’s main office is located in Cairo, Egypt. https://erf.org.eg

The Inclusive Social Security Policy Forum, or ISSPF, aims to de-mystify complex concepts in social protection and social security. We want to improve people’s understanding of the differences between different types of social protection programmes and their implications for achieving broader national economic and social development goals. https://isspf-mena.com

The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) is a non-profit that works to center advocates and experts from and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the policy discourse to foster transparent, accountable, and just societies. https://timep.org

FTDES (by its French acronym), is a non-governmental, non-partisan, independent organization established in 2011 to defend peoples’ economic and social rights at the national and international levels. It works on several themes including labor rights, women’s rights, environmental rights, migrants’ rights, and social movements.

The mission of the Tunisian Observatory of Economy is: − To analyze and unravel public policies’ economic issues in order to shed light on their strengths and shortcomings through articles and studies. − To democratize economic policies and issues in order to make them easily understandable and accessible to all citizens through instructive infographics, videos, etc. − To foster citizen engagement in the economic policies debate through instructive infographics, training workshops for students, and open-ended workshops / seminars run by the research team in order to understand economic events and their implications. − To nationally and internationally develop partnerships, collaboration networks and positive dynamics through exchange areas and reflection and advocacy workshops on public policies. − To provide a reference resource of economic data and documents in Tunisia that can be useful for all relevant stakeholders (media, academics, public or private organizations, civil society) https://www.economie-tunisie.org/en

The Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS) based in New York serves as the headquarters for UNDP regional programmes and country offices in 17 Arab countries, with the 18th located in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Bureau is headed by Abdallah EL Dardary, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States. https://www.undp.org/arab-states

The University of Bath is a public research university in Bath, England. It received its royal charter in 1966, along with a number of other institutions following the Robbins Report. https://www.bath.ac.uk

Promoting the right to decent work and to social protection; Preventing and eradicating poverty and exclusion; That is what WSM does on a daily basis. https://www.wsm.be/en/

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) is a global network dedicated to improving the working conditions of the working poor – especially women – in the informal economy. We strive for equal economic opportunities, rights, protection and voice for all workers. https://www.wiego.org

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. https://www.worldbank.org/ext/en/home